Tuesday 1 October 2013

A Glorious Day Under The Tuscan Sun

I have always had a passion for this part of the world since I visited in 1995.  It was only reconfirmed when Lisa and I spent a week in a Tuscan villa in 2001, from which we explored amazing hill towns .... and went on a quest to solve the problem of our Renault Cleo's missing dip stick ... but that's another story!

It was with this expectant excitement that I enjoyed a terrace breakfast under perfect blue skies.

My tours so far have been intimate affairs of a small number in a mini bus.  Today was a coach, though there were only 20, mostly Americans.  A lovely Kiwi family and I took possession of the rear of the bus.   

Our first stop, the beautiful Sienna.  We were placed in the hands of a local guide whose passion for her city's story was palpable.  Her beautiful accent, her fabulous story telling skills and her love of her city brought something special to this, my third visit to this amazing place.  I saw places I have never seen and learnt more about THE race than any guide book would tell.  In not many places in the world do horses go to church!  An added bonus was that the mosaic floor in the duomo which is usually covered but for two months they are all on display.   Incredible!  We were left with enough time to explore and eat lunch. Another wonderful scenic meal on the Campo.  But alas Lisa, no fabulously entertaining street performance this time!



Off to San Gimignano. The hill town with many towers, but which use to have 70 odd.  A wine tasting was followed by free time to wander, people watch, browse and take in the beautiful scenery.

9-7 is a pretty long day.  I am looking forward to Firenze exploration tomorrow.  With Sunday's rain I have much to see, do and buy!

I have just finished the first of tonight's double feature.  Letters to Juliet.  Now it's time for Under The Tuscan Sun!  
Buona sera



  1. Sounds delightful. Good to see the weather has been kind.
    Love Tuscany. Dreams of a B&B there!
    Reading Dan Brown's Inferno, set in Firenze, so really picturing it all.
    Keep enjoying!

  2. I want to have breakfast on the terrace. Well tomorrow I am having coffee with friends. The lovely Liz is in town so we are able to catch up. We will be thinking of you and will look forward to a catch up when you get back to hear all about your adventures. Bellissimo!

  3. Sounds gorgeous Helen.I could have been the main character of 'Under the Tuscan sun'...jumping off the tour bus to set up house there! Definitely on my list of places to go.Hills...wine..towers...what more could you wish for
    Liz R :)
