Tuesday 8 October 2013

Arrivederci Bella Italia

They do thunder storms well in Rome. The day began slowly, hoping it would pass before I ventured out, which it did. Breakfast followed by an Aunty Anne guided walk over a lot of terrain, adding to my supply of landmarks making negotiations later in the day again much easier.  Lots of amazing back alleys and experience of real Rome, away from the tourist trail.  Also my third visit to the Pantheon!  Morning this time so different light again.

Rome is a big city, though you wouldn't think so, as this morning again I ran into Anne and Mark!  It would also appear we only missed each other by 15-20 minutes this afternoon at the Vatican.  I didn't feel the need to do more than the basilica, having seen the Sistine in '95.  Leaving it til later in the day, as I did, was suppose to eliminate the wait in cues.  This morning's rain may have delayed the crowds as it still took 45 minutes to get through the security check. The Basilica is so amazing it was well worth it.  Such an incredible building.

This evening was a final dinner with Anne and Mark, just round the corner, which was delightful.  They are off to the  Amalfi coast, and continuing travels through Italy, Switzerland and France returning early November. Lucky them. We will enjoy reliving the Roman experience as we sip coffee in Kogarah!

A huge walking day to end the Italian adventure.  It has been wonderful and I feel so fortunate to have been able to enjoy these incredible experiences.  Things have worked out so well ... the pre planning, the weather, I have been 100% healthy (those of you who read Easter in Springtime will remember how my dental issues at the time did make the journey very challenging) and of course the perfection which was the "main event", Mary and Mark's spectacular wedding.

To those who have shared the journey by reading Bella Italia, I hope you have relived your own memories and/or been inspired to visit this beautiful country, with its fascinating ancient history and its incredible natural beauty.

I have attempted, quite unsuccessfully I'm sure, to paint a picture through my simple words that will help me to remember this experience for many years to come.  But as a picture does paint a thousands words, I will be adding photos here to really do justice to this amazing journey.  I'll be disappointed if I'm not finished by Sunday night, before I hit the ground running on Monday!  So feel free to come back any time and see what I have tried hard to describe.

Plane departs tomorrow afternoon and I arrived late Thursday in Sydney. A few days to wash, sleep, get my head around school and add photos here.



  1. I have loved sharing the journey with you! Safe trip home!

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey, it has been a delight reading about your adventures.
    Am sure sipping coffee in Kogarah may not be quite the same as in Rome!
    Looking forward to seeing you and all the pics. Safe journey home!

  3. Thank you for sharing! Love your writing style it's almost as good as sitting around the table listening to your adventures! Looking forward to the pictorial enhancement.
