Wednesday 25 September 2013

A Good Kind of Exhaustion

Ah Venice! In 1995 Lisa, Sue and I spent about 7 hours give or take doing Venice. Having a car didn't lend itself to a lengthy stay. Venezia has to be explored and savoured and I am so lucky to be able to do that.

Today was island day.  First mistake ... I didn't do my homework over breakfast as I did yesterday.  Got to Lido and I had no clue what to do/where to go then!  Decided to walk for 30 minutes and turn back if I'd found no famous beach.  A bus stop map proved very useful, after about 15 minutes, and a 90 degree turn and a few blocks later ... The famous Lido beach!  I now get the lagoon/ ocean thing. Walked along the very fine grey sand until I'd had enough and headed back to the wharf.  

Then to Murano.

Cute little place.  Can imagine it strains many a marriage as there are lots of shops, very similar but different enough to want to see if the right piece if glass is within.  Though not sure what I was looking for, I was convinced as soon as I saw it I'd know.  Yes ... Did my little (very little) bit for the Murano glass industry!  Also decided I need to take 'Food with Views' photos as I had pasta ( you can't eat pizza every day ... well I could, but I'll try and be good and not) and a beer sitting beside a lovely canal.

Well at least at island number three the export is linen and lace which is lighter.  Very cute town.  Bright colours abound.  Yes they were also a little glad I visited.

The journey home felt long as I was vey weary.  The vapporati dumped me somewhere quite unknown and I had to follow my nose.  Lisa will tell you my nose is not always useful in these sorts of situations but with almost 48 Venetian hours under my belt did quite ok.

I did learn three life/travelling lessons today ... 1. Always charge your camera over night. 2. Bringing sunscreen from the other side of the world is quite useless if you don't put it on and have it on you all day. 3 Don't wear brand new walking shoes and leave your band aids in the hotel!  Time will tell did I really learn a lesson?!  None of these were catastrophic, just annoying on an otherwise perfect day.

Really looking forward to tomorrow.  This 'lakes and mountains girl' is getting an Italian alps fix! Bring on the Dolomites!

Have to keep reminding myself it's not summer.  Today was about the top of my Goldilocks Scale.  Year five would tell that means it's "just right" another degree and it would be in the 'not right' section.


  1. Thanks Helen for taking me on your journey. A enjoying reliving and dreaming!
    Can't wait for the Dolomites!

  2. Good Morning! I remember the glass and lace of Venice but when I visited there all those years ago I was too poor to buy anything worth having. Yes be careful about filling that suitcase too quickly but you can always ship it home! I have read what you sent to Year 5 and I loved looking at the photos. 30 degrees here today- not really the Goldilocks temperature. Enjoy the mountains and lakes.
