Friday 27 September 2013

Venezia Through Different Eyes

Having solved a couple of problems to start my day, nothing worth explaining as all is resolved, I headed off to explore the other side of the canal.  'Aunty Anne' had suggested focusing on one side and then the other, so Tuesday was 'my side', which included San Marco Square and today was the other.

Not long into the exploration I took out my camera and began sizing up another canal shot but stopped myself,  asking how many such photos did I really need.  I then decided to not take any photos today.  Well by magic everything changed.  Instinctively I began to walk more slowly and really take in the experience.  No longer was I looking at everything as a potential photo and I also stopped looking at every shop as a potential purchase. I also stopped caring about where I was and where I was going.  I just walked and walked for hours.  It was fabulous.  I saw some really non touristy parts of Venice, from a hardware shop to the jail!

The lunchtime view today was the lagoon rather than a canal or square.  Very pleasant.  Even lingered over a lemoncello to finish.  My afternoon quest was to find a church in which to sit and listen to Vivaldi's Gloria, on my iPod, which I have loved since singing it with the Waverely Philharmonic choir in the very early nineties. Delightful.

To mark my last Venetian evening I caught a dusk vapporati the length of the Grand Canal, to San Marco Square, walked a few laps listening to the orchestras and then did the night lights ride home.  The plan worked well on the way as I got a front seat outside.  The return was like a commuter train in Sydney, filled to bursting.  Didn't see much, but all part if the Venice experience!


The live music from the bar downstairs continues to entertain this evening.  There have been lots of pluses to this accommodation.

Til Florence ........


  1. I think your location sounds wonderful. Sounds like you got a really good look at Venice. On to the next part of your adventure. Did you buy anything? I hope that I don't have the same trouble as yesterday posting this??? Enjoy.

  2. Sounds delightful! Good to get off the beaten track and god to put the camera down!
    Looking forward to Firenze! Ciao bella

  3. I finally sat down and took some time to read your blog and I'm glad I did. I feel a little like I've just taken a trip to Italy myself. It sounds beautiful and I'm glad you're enjoying it all and taking time to savour the experience. Sydney has graced us with beautiful weather so far for the holidays. I ended up spending a few days in Batemans Bay and got to hold and cuddle a wombat of all things! Though that doesn't really compare to sipping lemoncello in Venice, it was a lot of fun. Looking forward to hearing what comes next.


  4. Lemoncello ...... Oh how I love!! Matt would be proud of you, he is always telling me not to live my life through a lens! Sound wonderful ... How is the shopping restraint going??
