Tuesday 24 September 2013

Venice Exploration

I have just given up the dodgy WiFi connection down on the terrace bar where I have been sipping my first prosecco (Italian bubbles) as the light begins to show signs of the coming sunset.  Now sitting on my bed, but can hear church bells.  Ah .....

It has been a busy day of orientation.  Slept OK and feel great now so that's good.  I woke pretty early and breakfasted on the hotel terrace reading Aunty Anne's guide to Venice.  'Aunty Anne' is in the choir and shared with me her personal tips for travelling in these parts.  She had been asked so often she put it all down, for people just like me to benefit.  So I sat and re read the pages on Venice in which she talked about the hotel and its terrace!

I spent the next hour or so doing a vapporati loop down the Grand Canal and out to sea ... sort of.  Got a good sense of geography and distances.  Ferries were packed and characters abounded ... Including the singing driver.  Lots of sunshine to add to the summery feel.

I then hit the walkways, bridges and canals.  Some spots were particularly hectic ... Ponte Rialto and San Marco Square in particular.  Can't imagine those places in summer.  A lunch in a pleasant piazza ... Pizza and beer.  Very much my experience of Italian lunches of the past!

There has been lots of browsing too.  Restraining myself til Friday to eliminate impulse buys! Handbags and jewellery will be my downfall I can see!

I returned roughly the same way I had walked but my 'bread crumb dropping' wasn't faultless but as I noted at one point when I decided I was a little lost ... I'm in Venice I can't be lost.  A long as I can find the Grand Canal I'm fine.

Am standing at my window now looking out towards the Bridge of Sighs (not really, just a lovely unnamed bridge) and typing leaning on the very broad window sill.  

Am about to get a vapporati to San Marco Square for a Vivaldi concert (Four Season) in a little church beside the big one. A night vapporati home should be stunning.  It is a short walk from here to the wharf.  Perfect.

Wish I could add pics.  Will have to wait til I return to Sydney.

It's  now 11.40 pm.  Feeling weary but not bad considering the lack of sleep and much walking. 
The concert tonight was delightful.  So too was the being out after dark.  Lisa and I have always had a car in Europe so never stayed in the cities.  Lots of people around so felt very comfortable on my own.  The Grand Canal was 'bella'!

It has been a delightful day.  To the islands tomorrow. 


  1. I am trying to reply to you each morning before I begin my less adventurous day. I knew the leather handbags would get to you!!! I could taste that pizza and beer- a great picture in my mind. It all sounds so wonderful. My news is that I am averaging 10 hours sleep each day- the best medicine. Must need it!! Sending good sleeping vibe to you. I had an unexpected light snack and glass of wine yesterday with my friend Robyn (from dancing). Very enjoyable and all the better because we didn't plan it. Off to school today to work with the lovely Katarina. Keep on enjoying!

  2. All sounds just delightful! I can see you sitting on the terrace sipping prosecco! Enjoy!
